416 research outputs found

    Territori, servizi logistici e infrastrutture: un’indagine presso le imprese manifatturiere

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    Questo lavoro si basa su un’indagine svolta dalla Banca d’Italia nel 2012 presso un campione di 1.200 imprese manifatturiere italiane. Utilizzando i risultati di tale rilevazione, si analizzano i costi, il grado di esternalizzazione e gli ostacoli al funzionamento dei servizi della supply-chain in Italia. Si pongono inoltre a raffronto le valutazioni delle aziende circa i costi e le criticità dei servizi logistici con diversi indici di dotazione infrastrutturale e di accessibilità che caratterizzano i territori, riscontrando l’esistenza di correlazioni in linea con le evidenze della letteratura del settore logistico e dei trasporti. L’incidenza dei costi logistici sui costi totali sostenuti dalle imprese industriali appare inferiore nei territori caratterizzati da una migliore accessibilità, mentre è più elevata laddove le imprese individuano importanti ostacoli all’efficiente funzionamento della supply-chain. Anche le percezioni delle imprese circa il livello qualitativo dei servizi logistici utilizzati appare migliore laddove i territori risultano più facilmente accessibili

    Per un riesame della 'scripta' del ms. Venezia Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana fr. IV (con nuovi spunti per la localizzazione)

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    Il contributo riesamina la scripta del ms. Venezia, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, fr. IV. Dapprima viene condotta una vasta panoramica su tutte le varietà “lombardo-venete” tra Due e Trecento, per fenomenicampione (tra gli altri: palatalizzazione dei nessi di consonante più laterale e trattamento delle vocali atone in sede finale), con possibilità innovative per l’interpretazione. Successivamente, si procede alla localizzazione del ms. sulla base proprio del panorama linguistico delineato e di fattori storico-culturali (ricezione della letteratura franco-italiana) e iconografici determinanti, e si propone di fare perno sull’ampia zona compresa tra Lombardia orientale, Verona, Mantova e l’Emilia.This paper focuses on the scripta of the MS Venice, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, fr. IV. At the outset, the analysis outlines a linguistic broadscale scenario of the ancient “lombardo-veneto” between the 13th and the 14th century, moving from some meaningful features (among which: the palatalization of clusters of consonant + l, and vowels in word-final position). The present paper then suggests a new localization for the scripta of the MS, that also takes into consideration the cultural background (the reception of Old French epic literature in the “lombardo-veneto”) and the iconographic apparatus of the MS Venice, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, fr. IV, individuating a large area between Eastern Lombardy, Verona, Mantua and Emilia

    Sviluppi plurilingui dell’'Atile en prose'. Prolegomeni ad un’edizione

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    Questo studio prende in esame l’Atile en prose, testo di metà Duecento che racconta secondo moduli epico-romanzeschi e leggendari l’invasione dell’Italia da parte di Attila, a metà V sec. L’articolo intende fornire una prima descrizione, in termini di filologia formale, della tradizione del testo, nelle sue versioni franco-italiana, latina e veneta; inoltre, offre spunti innovativi sull’ambiente e sull’epoca di produzione del testo stesso, nel quale, sotto le spoglie di Attila, potrebbe essere adombrata la figura tirannica di Ezzelino III da Romano. Parole-chiave: Attila; letteratura franco-italiana; critica del testo; Ezzelino III da Romano; volgarizzamenti e traduzioni medioevali

    Effect of intermittent cathodic protection on potential and corrosion rate of carbon steel in soil simulating solution

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    Carbon steel in aerated soil operates in cathodic protection (CP) condition if the IR-free potential is more negative than –0.850 V CSE, which corresponds to a corrosion rate lower than 0.01 mm·a-1. CP is applied by a stationary current, which effectiveness depends on a thermodynamic effect, which reduces (or stops) corrosion rate, and on a chemical effect due to the alkalinisation at the metal-to-electrolyte interface. The increase of pH is promoted by the cathodic reactions (oxygen reduction and, at lower potential, hydrogen evolution) occurring on the polarized metal and can promote passive condition. In this paper, a preliminary study of intermittent CP has been carried out in order to investigate the effect of a temporary current interruption on potential monitoring and on residual corrosion rate of steel in soil simulating solution. Test has been performed applying two cathodic current densities (0.2 and 1.0 A·m-2), varying the current-off period daily duration (6, 12 and 16 hours) and monitoring weekly the potential. During the on period (i.e. CP on), oxygen is consumed and alkaline pH is established; during the off period (i.e. when CP is interrupted), the alkalinity and the slow oxygen replacement assure corrosion rates lower than in free corrosion condition, especially if high cathodic current density is previously applied

    Can an intermittent cathodic protection system prevent corrosion of buried pipeline?

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    Carbon steel pipelines are provided with corrosion prevention systems, namely an insulating coating and a cathodic protection (CP) system that reduces corrosion rate below 10 ĂŽÂĽm/a. CP is applied by a stationary cathodic current, which effectiveness on the metal surface is twofold: oxygen consumption and alkalinization (pH > 10) at the metal-to-electrolyte interface. The increase of pH is beneficial, promoting passive condition. In this paper, a preliminary study of the effect of intermittent CP has been carried out in order to investigate the effect of a temporary current interruption on the potential monitoring and on the residual corrosion of the metal. During the on period, oxygen is consumed and alkaline pH is established, during off period, the alkalinity and the slow oxygen replacement assure corrosion rates lower than in free corrosion condition. Test has been performed both in normal and overprotection condition, varying the off period duration, monitoring weekly the protection potential

    The Italian port system: a survey on competitiveness and development factors

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    Between 2003 and 2007 the volume of container traffic handled by the national port system increased only slightly despite the strong growth of maritime traffic in the Mediterranean Sea. This was due both to national economic stagnation and to the inability of the ports to extend their operational area further afield because of the lack of good port and land infrastructure. This paper aims to investigate these issues on the basis of a survey of the national agents of the main global shipping companies. The main weaknesses in competitiveness regard land infrastructure; other problems involve inefficiencies in national ports’ activities and insufficient infrastructure. National logistics and the supply chain are fragmented compared with the integrated systems of other countries. In the opinion of the shipping agents, in addition to improvements in infrastructure, it is necessary to liberalize rail transportation and to modernize port governance, especially by reducing red tape and granting wider financial autonomy to the port authorities.ports, logistics, transport infrastructure
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